
This page is currently under development

OSDHelp Autopilot contains PowerShell scripts that can be used to help you with Autopilot related tasks

You can launch these scripts and open the using the following PowerShell Command. Since most of the scripts in OSDHelp require Admin Rights, you should always run OSDHelp in an Elevated PowerShell session

OSDHelp Autopilot

The will be presented first to detail the contained scripts

Run Me First

I strongly recommend you review, edit, and run this script to your specific needs

#   Disable Console Line Wrap
#   If you plan on using EventMonitor, your lines can get
#   very long. To keep things straight, turn off Line Wrap
#   with this Registry setting
reg add HKCU\Console /v LineWrap /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

#   Set-DisRes 1600 for Virtual Machine
#   If you are using Hyper-V, it may be helpful
#   to bump up your Display Resolution
if ((Get-MyComputerModel) -match 'Virtual') {
    Write-Host  -ForegroundColor DarkCyan 'Set-DisRes 1600'
    Set-DisRes 1600

#   Open URI Display Settings
#   If you are in OOBE, things can get crowded
#   Make sure your Display Scaling is set to 100%
Start-Process ms-settings:display

#   Open Default Browser
#   If you need to authenticate to a Firewall while
#   in OOBE then this will get things working

I'm not going to go into detail on this website what each and every script does, so please make sure you review the and any Run Me First script

Last updated